109 definitions by The Moody Poet

Born Hugh John Mungo Grant to Scottish parents in the U.K, Hugh Grant's career took off when he did 'Remains of the Day'(1993) and 'Four Weddings and a funeral' (Golden Globe won for Best Actor 1994). Although having Scottish ancestry, Hugh Grant mainly plays upper class Englishmen.

Other popular movies include 'Notting Hill' (1999) with Julia Roberts and 'Bridget Jones Diary' (2001 & 2004) of eating disorders and low self-esteem with Renée Zellweger.

Hugh Grant was romantically linked with Elizabeth Hurley and a black transvestite prostitute working Sunset Boulevard Divine Brown.

Other accolades include Best Actor 1987 Venice Film Festival for Hugh Grant's portayal of Clive in the movie 'Maurice'. 'Maurice' is a tale of homosexuality in the early 20th century England.
"Hey baby you ready for some black sugar?"

"Errm Errm Errm, sure, but I am Hugh Grant you know, Errm Errm Errm..."

"You fly baby!" "You a real hot rodeo!" "But I getta get my black ass streetside before the poleace pinch me!" "Hey baby you see the crying game?"
by The Moody Poet August 27, 2006
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When one dick just ain't enough!!!

Usually gay guyz that love to suck much more than one dick on any given day or night.
"Fuck!" "Your mouth smells like a dirty fuck'n urinal!"

"Yeh I've been Dick Smoking all night man!" "I can barely feel my jaw!"

"You go to Club 80?"

"Yeh man, place was crawling with dick smokes!"
by The Moody Poet January 24, 2007
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Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali is known in Australia as the Meat Sheik for his comments on western women deserving to be raped if they do not cover up and wear a hijab i.e. the equivalent of a human condom or mobile tent dress.
The Meat Sheik has now shown Australia a side of Islam that is putrid and disgusting. See anti-rape wear for Islamic Fashion.

by The Moody Poet December 10, 2006
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Lebbo is slang for Lebanese.

Lebbo's are considered by Syria and Saudi's to be of a lesser class of Arab. Therefore Lebbo's are expendable to Syria and the Saudi's to use as they’re own private fuck puppet against Israel.

Lebbo is slang for a Lebanese living in a foreign country that has dual-citizenship that still believes they have the right to vote and make decisions for their mother country Lebanon, even after having not lived their for over 20 years or more, and some not even holding citizenship anymore. See Delusional.

A Lebbo is someone who refuses to accept the ways of another country, but takes advantage of that country i.e. welfare, tax etc and believes they have a superior right to still make decisions in Lebanon based from a foreign country.

In a sense a Lebbo is a man or woman that is still mentally living in Lebanon but physically living in a new country i.e. Hypocrite, Third World Trash and Culture Melt.
The native Lebanese said in a local news article that although they appreciate the input from Lebanese who have immigrated all over the world, they did not want homeland decisions made or pushed on by immigrated Lebanese people who had not visited in the past 20 years or who just use Lebanon as a tourist vacation spot once in awhile. Thanks, but no thanks!

The Lebbo was arrogant and set in his ways that he would never budge! A sociology-psychiatrist said that a culture melt would fix him up in the end.

The Lebbo went back to Lebanon, although never having been born there, felt that since his parents were Lebanese and he occasionally went on vacation in Lebanon that gave him the right to direct Lebanon's political and social affairs from his new country. See emotionally raped and parents.

The Lebbo had not realized that having arrived in her new country that she had undergone a culture melt. When going back to Lebanon although her family was happy to see her, they couldn’t help but notice that through westernization she seemed different in appearance and attitude.
by The Moody Poet August 21, 2006
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A gunman went on a shooting rampage of nerds.

One witness described it as a nerdicide with splattered brains everywhere!
by The Moody Poet January 21, 2007
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A gay man's term used to describe a pretty young dick that is led around town on a tight leash by a wealthy older gentleman. See whoever the current Mrs. Elton John is.
CYRIL: Oh look darling, Elton John's out walking his poodle doodle.
CHRIS: Oh isn't that just cute and adorable?
CYRIL: I heard they bought a House in Venice.
CHRIS: Are you sure they didn't buy a House in Virginia?
by The Moody Poet September 29, 2006
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The act of using your body as a canvas to paint the tears of your heart.
A cutter is someone whose heart has been broken.

Maddy was a wanna be cutter cos she thought it was the emo way.
by The Moody Poet October 30, 2006
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