56 definitions by the kentucky yankee

A total dumbass who, ironically, calls people dumbasses when they themselves have irritating accents typical of a dumbass. Their official sport is NASCAR, their national flag is the Confederate Battle Flag (or Rebel Flag), and their national anthem ends with "...gentlemen, start your engines."
These people come in various appearances, ranging from nearly toothless and wearing overalls and a John Deere hat, to wearing Dixie Outfitters or NASCAR shirts, Wrangler Jeans, and has chewing tobacco. Many of them, including women and men, like wearing these clothing lines, and many of the women are fat ass blondes, or dirt-colored brunettes, though not all women of that description are rednecks.
Not all rednecks are racists, but a majority of them are quite intolerant or inhospitable to different cultures or races. Some in a few places even still lynch black people.
Though millions of people nationwide say "y'all" it is still a major word in the Redneck vocabulary. Other words include "whoo-doggy", "varmint", "wersh", "poke", "buggy", "coons", "chicken 'n dumplins", and "All y'alls".
Many of the guys are bastards that threaten you and then call you "boy" or "son". Lots of those girls like to taunt both guys and girls of other, non-redneck groups verbally. They try to entice the boys, and tell both sexes how the redneck girls are better (which theyre not.)
Rednecks are also people who are proud of having Confederate monuments, try to destroy anything that isn't completely All-American, fly Rebel flags outside their houses, and love putting living room furniture on their damn porch.
Various Redneck hobbies include this vehicle-involved sport called "Muddin'", drinking lots of beer and whiskey, watching NASCAR, squirrel hunting, wearing shitty cowboy boots, attending monster truck events, blaring country music out their windows, and trying to tape all the episodes of the Dukes of Hazzard.
Most rednecks don't plan on attending college anytime soon, they usually had problems in school, both academically and behavior-wise; and they would rather engage in the hobbies and activities listed above. Some rednecks even attend KKK meetings. For more information, read the other redneck definitions. (Spread the word.)
Not all of these following people are rednecks:
1. Farmers
2. Fishermen
3. People born in the South
4. Deer Hunters
5. Auto Mechanics
6. Wal-Mart customers (there are a few normal people who go there.)
7. People who eat at Waffle House.
by the kentucky yankee August 11, 2004
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A complete idiot usually from the South or Texas. They often have unbearable accents. Sometimes you will see a couple of redneck brothers and it doesn't look like they have a brain between them.
Rednecks like to sit in their living rooms or front porches (which both have furniture, of course.) while drinking beer and complaining about how Mexicans and Blacks seem to be taking over their pathetic little group (meaning only a sixth of the white race.)
They think that they look, think, and live better than everyone else. Rednecks like to think that they know about politics. However, not everyone that voted for George W. Bush is a southern redneck, but many of them were. I am so glad that I neither look, talk, or think like those bastards do.
I was, unfortunately, sitting beside this redneck at my Daviess County High School auditorium when we had visitors from the New York City Fire Department come to tell us about 9-11. Then the redneck said "Now ah have to listen to his irritating Noo York ahccent." I responded with "Sounds better than a lot of people here." (True Story)
by the kentucky yankee August 12, 2004
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Another derogatory nickname for a Democrat, especially a liberal. It is a contraction of Democrat (first half) and hypocrites (second half). This is used based on the fact that most Democrats are a bunch of two-faced hypocrites who only defend certain positions and stand up for certain groups of people.
-Claim to be against corporations and hate big business, but many of them have their own (ex. John Kerry has Heinz).
-Say they're not racists but grill black, Asian, and Hispanics people when they are part of the Republican Party. (ex. Condoleeza Rice being called "Aunt Jemima".)
-Declare themselves to fight for racial equality when in reality they get "special" and extra rights for specific racial and ethnic minorities (which puts them above everyone else because it breaks the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution), while rarely giving anything to Native Americans.
-Hate and try to ban Christianity while sticking up for other "oppressed" religions like Judiasm and Islam.
-Blame Bush for all the deaths and tragedies in Iraq and calling him a warmonger, when presidents like Wilson, Truman, and LBJ (Lyndon B. Johnson) got us into most of the wars during the 20th Century.

Editors, don't delete this just because you don't agree with it.

The Kentucky Yankee: Bringing you numerous definitions about politics and those involved in them since August 2004.
by the kentucky yankee October 3, 2005
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A hard-working white person or just an unsophisticated white person that possesses one or many of the characteristics and qualities of their counterparts that live in the South.
The differences are:
1.) They talk with Northern/Midwestern accents and don't say y'all as much or they don't say it at all.
2.) Some Northern rednecks (but nowhere near all of them) tend to be more racist than southern rednecks.
3.) Don't engage in "redneck sports" like muddin' and hog calling, unless it's in the lower regions of the North, such as southern Indiana or northern/northwestern Kentucky. Northern Rednecks have their own sports like snow mobile riding, hubcap discus throwing (but that also exists in some parts in the South), and ice fishing.
4.) Though also a stereotype as with all rednecks or anyone else that doesn't support Kerry or ultra-liberal ideas, most (but not all) of Northern rednecks are Republicans and/or strong Bush-supporters. Also, they are also very patriotic about their nation and their soldiers. That is NOT a bad thing at all.
In short, Northern rednecks are good and awesome people in my opinion.
I am a local of northern Kentucky with Indiana and Michigan influence (family, local music of that area, etc.) I have a nasal "twang" accent of Indiana and the Upper Midwest. Also, I am a loyal Bush Supporter and a devout Republican. Therefore, I am a Northern Redneck.
by the kentucky yankee December 8, 2004
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The act of someone leaving a massive crap and a large amount of wet toilet paper in the komode and it clogs it. This happens frequently on college campuses, rest stops, restaurants, and dormitories, where janitors usually have to clean it up.
I had to go to the bathroom on the 2nd floor of my dorm hall, and I opened the stall door to find a brown disaster! It was gross.
by the kentucky yankee November 1, 2005
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To do something As Soon As Fucking Possible, or As Soon As Frickin Possible.
Look, the tornado is going to be in here within a few minutes, get over here ASAFP!!!
by the kentucky yankee May 13, 2005
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