5 definitions by tarelasi
A person who views or treats males in a similar way as the Nazis did Jews, ranging from advocating male-bashing to causing male gendercide.
by tarelasi July 14, 2003
A criminal court case involving the arrest and prosecution of one or more males when a female makes allegations that are easily proven as false.
My wife beat me on the head with a frying pan for being late but told the cops I pushed her, so as soon as I get out of the hospital I need to find a good Magnum lawyer.
by tarelasi January 19, 2007
An extortion racket whereby children are taken from fathers as an excuse to justify taking his wealth and income, with the proceeds divided between the mother and lawyers.
The difference between kidnapping and family law is that kidnappers sometimes give the children back after they get the money.
by tarelasi October 9, 2007
Originally a slur against police and used by Bob Dylan in his song Hurricane, the term has come to mean a farce or phony court trial, where generalizations are made about facts that don't exist in order to meet a predetermined outcome desired by the judge, judiciary, government, or Bar Association.
When I tried to protect the children from being molested, I found out Iowa courts are just a pig circus to make money for lawyers and to keep the feminazis happy.
by tarelasi February 1, 2005
by tarelasi July 14, 2003