154 definitions by t

Idiot monkeys who were put on this planet for no fucking reason! They have no brains and drool over pretty women.
That guy is such an asshole!
by t March 12, 2003
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Block of Cartoons for the older crowd.
Was much much Better when they just had the old people getting into the pool as bumps instead of nonsensical BS that nobody feels like reading.
by t December 8, 2004
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aka couch surfing, bum ride, pulling a Henry Miller, relying on the kindness of strangers. A couch tour is a method of obtaining free room and board by which a person, often referred to as a couch surfer, freeloader, or house spook, overstays his welcome at a succession of homes, often mistakenly believing that his nonexistent charm earns him this right.
Brad maintains that he was the third roommate at the green house on Clifton, but Brian and Ali say he was simply doing a couch tour.
by t March 16, 2005
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Modern day musical genius with PIMP beats. His beats are often heard in collaboration with the rap of Tucent.
This is my homeboi lil' b.
by t January 13, 2004
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Somebody that masturbates in a place or situation that is very obvious, but thinks that either nobody will notice or that it will be too awkward for others to say anything. Usually found on school trips, in group hostel dormitories, in prison or anywhere else you are forced to sleep in the same room as other people.
Some dirty phanker kept me awake all night last night.
by t January 6, 2005
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one who defeats homelessness by relying upon a series of friends' couches. A friend or aquaintance who frequently crashes at your house. Can be due to inability to pay his own rent, frequent and/or persistent intoxication, or reluctance to return to his own dwelling. See A Brad
After Brad left and I had the upholstery professionally cleaned, I wasn't about to open the door to any more couch surfers.
by t March 16, 2005
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Bitches. Aint. Shit.

A group of youthful teenagers who are known for their amazing ability at doing what they want, such as giving bitches purple dragons and fingering the po-po.
"whurrd you get your weed from?"
by t April 1, 2005
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