14 definitions by spacer_

I get mis when it rains.
by spacer_ October 7, 2008
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Food so inherently fatty that your arteries are getting completely fucked by eating them. Often whilst in the process of eating these foods you can feel yourself getting heavier and your breathing tighter.
Can also be used to refer to a period of excessive unhealthy eating.
Examples include: bacon fried in grease, scones and clotted cream, battered mars bars.
"scones and clotted cream, I can't get enough of them. But srsly what an artery fuck."

"today was a total artery fuck, what with that battered mars bar for lunch followed by a large portion of chips with extra salt."
by spacer_ October 8, 2009
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A book that has garnered the affection of tweenies everywhere; it tells of the neurotic, paranoid relationship between two people. They are both jealous of their rivals and continually try to kill themselves to get out of their boring lives. Neither has much of a personality to speak of though they find one another fascinating, possibly because they have never before met anyone as boring and one dimensional as themselves.
an extract from Twilight:

"Edward, what about ROSALIE?!"
"She means nothing to me, but what about Mike?!"
"Ugh you have nothing to worry about! Please don't try to kill yourself again! I mean, I don't really like Italy, maybe if the Volturi could relocate to Paris?"
"Isabella. I feel as though you are not taking me seriously. Are you shagging Jacob on the side??"
by spacer_ November 21, 2008
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The romantic coupling of literary characters Edward Cullen and Bella Swan.
Bedward-- does no one else find the a lecherous 108 year old virgin lusting after a seventeen-year-old creepy?
by spacer_ October 3, 2008
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The misplacement of an apostrophe, resulting in your immediate demotion to the status of complete retard, even if you just had a case of fat fingers and your hand slipped.

Do'nt run, the cow's fell over and thousand's of lemming's are all examples of aspaztrophes.
by spacer_ May 21, 2008
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Poor SPAG makes you look like a moron in the eyes of the educated.
by spacer_ May 25, 2008
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