9 definitions by someone took my name =|

Phrase uttered before taking a picture so it looks like everyone is smiling even though someone would rather either frown, snarl, sneer, or make an otherworldy strange or unpleasant face.

A conspiracy to get unhappy or enraged people to smile in pictures.

A conspiracy to get more people to eat cheese and wine after taking pictures.
Photographer: Say cheese!
Lauren, Dave, Jessica, and Ben: Cheese! *smile*
Barry: Fuck you! *snarl* *flicks off camera*
Photographer: Smile for us, Barry. We're not stopping until you smile for us!

Three odd hours later:
Photographer: Say cheese!
Lauren, Dave, Jessica, and Ben: Cheese! *smile*
Barry: Fuck you! *frown* *flicks off camera*
Photographer: Smile for us, Barry. We're not stopping until you smile for us!

Brian: Say cheese!
Cristy, Ben, Mike: Cheese!
Ben: That's strange; I have a strange craving to scarf down some Gorgonzola with some Bordeaux!
Mike: Same here! I'm gonna gorge myself on Wensleydale 'n Chardonnay!
Cristy: Let's buy all the cheese and wine we can, guys!
by someone took my name =| April 19, 2006
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A food is relectable if its leftovers can be made delicious again with a simple reheat.

For instance, french fries are one of the most unrelectable foods out there. But Applewood's Pizza is so relectable it may sometimes be more delicious in a rerun.
by someone took my name =| April 26, 2006
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The word blarg has no concrete or absolute meaning. Its meaning is derived all from how you say it and in what mood you say it. If you say it depressedly in a low, melancholy tone, it is synonymous with a sigh or expression of sadness. If it's said in an apathetic tone, it means you're in a state of ennui. If you say it in a rageful voice, it is an expletive, etc. etc.
After setting yourself on fire: BLARG!!!

Bored: Blarg. (said in soft, monotone)

Pissed: BLAAAARG!!!!

Elated: Blarg! (In happy voice)
by someone took my name =| April 19, 2006
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Something you say when you depart from someone you've just met. Unnecessary if you met a major asshole, bastard, or a bitch.
Kate: Heya, what's your name?
Mike: Mike. What's yours?
Kate: Kate.
Mike: Kay bye, nice meeting you.
Kate: Yeah, you too. Take care.

Mike: Hey, what's your name?
Major Asshole: Major Asshole! You little turd.
Mike: Kay bye.
Asshole: Yeah, bye, you faerie.
by someone took my name =| April 19, 2006
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The longer way of saying jk.

The proper English way to say in non-internet jargon terms the commonly-used jk.

Phrase that ruins a joke if it's obvious. Often superfluous.

What Fred Armisen as Latin comedian Ferecito on SNL says a lot.

Something you should not say after I love you.
Katrina: Flying a little low today, are we?
Sam: Huh?! Is my fly down? How fuckin' embarassing!
Katrina: Just kidding!
Sam: Good grief! Embarassed the hell outta me, biatch!
Katrina: Hahaaa!

Erick: You better be on your A-game or I'm going to take you to school! You're going to get served. Haha, just kidding.
Mike: Well at least I'm not a twisted freak! Haha, just kidding.

Ferecito: Americans suck! I'm just keeeeediiinggg!

Igby: I love you.
Neena: Aw, how sweet!
Igby: Just kidding, guffaw!
Neena: *runs Igby through the stomach with a pen and whacks him with her handbag until he's unconscious*
by someone took my name =| April 19, 2006
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An expression indicating understanding or empathy.
Josie: Damn, I hate my roommate. She eats all my food and sexiles me nearly every other day.
Paul: I hear ya. My roommate is a jackass too. Acts like I don't even live in the same room.

Joel: I wish I could live life to the fullest without a worry in the world.
Gary: I hear ya, man.
by someone took my name =| April 19, 2006
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Transcendental Deficit Disorder:

A disease affecting over 90% of the world population, who couldn't get beyond fractions.
Person with TDD: What's pi, is it apple? Can I have some?
by someone took my name =| April 26, 2006
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