6 definitions by some TFer


a person who enjoys ass-pounding females relentlessly
damn girl my ass is sore, billy did a kobe on me last night !
by some TFer March 1, 2004
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Tila Nguyen

last night my dick turned raw after i continously whipped my mule while looking at Tila Nguyen pictures
by some TFer February 29, 2004
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Drew Curtis

his pet squirrel has large nuts
by some TFer February 28, 2004
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another crappy ass image host site
what a pile of shiat that photopile has turned out to be

photopile is almost as lame as inkfrog
by some TFer February 29, 2004
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I cant find a listing for Kramerica in the phone directory
by some TFer February 29, 2004
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a person who owns everyone at something awful

a person who gets his/her rocks off by farking other websites

a person who looks up to the big nutted squirrel
that farker just kicked his ass
by some TFer February 29, 2004
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