12 definitions by smellyrock

(n.) - Ten times more intense than the Nth Degree.
When Urban Dictionary doesn't accept my new entries, it's tarded to the Undredth Degree.
by smellyrock February 27, 2008
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It was annoying to have to submit a TPS report to my boss and my grandboss. It's enough to make a dude blazy.
by smellyrock September 20, 2006
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(n.) - The same exact invitation you just received from the same exact person for the same exact party on Evite, Myspace, Facebook, Friendster, and in your 5 email addresses.

Can also be used as a verb - Twinvite.
Why does that janehead keep sending me all these twinvitations? Maybe I'll de-friend her.
by smellyrock June 10, 2008
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(adj.) a disgruntled worker who always talks about burning down/blowing up his or her place of employment, but never actually does.
Right before Melvin got fired, he was the blaziest dude in the company.
by smellyrock January 27, 2005
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Marie Antoinette was perhaps the biggest janehead in all of European Herstory.
by smellyrock February 5, 2007
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