22 definitions by shrek is our lord and saviour

the satin of the shrekian religion
gene from the emoji movie should die of ligma
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fruuit cake was made for the 2nd Vietnam war to combat the success of flex cake and cause the patient to be diagnosed with 76.9 years in suspended motion and a brain tumour
fruit cake is back, and now it's called fruuit cake
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the living embodiment of yeastiness, it can yeast over everyone, the only one who can stop this madness is god himself, shrek
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jerremy is the master shrek hater and should be punished for his doings, he is a smol boi for hating on shrek
jerremy why u do dis to us, shrek is our true god and you treat him like this you shrathiest
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the act of grabbing your diamond pickaxe and mining the diamonds, like a yeast
mining away, I don't know what to mine I'll mine this anyway
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