24 definitions by sebastian crucial

Some dude who is an crass and an asshole but somehow is cool/rad enought to get his way with lots of babes because for some unknown reason lots of girls are attracted to getting treated like shit.
dude1:"Did you hear about Johnny?"
dude2:"Yeah didn't he pinch Megans nose and make her swallow his cum after a blowjob?"
dude1:"Haha yeah, she loves him though. Damn he's such a Crassanova"
by sebastian crucial December 6, 2006
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The bro who knows it all, or thinks he does.
“Dannys a total bro it all-he thinks knows everything about Converge.”
by sebastian crucial December 5, 2006
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A bro who is really into country music.
"Brian still listens to Garth Brooks, he's such a brocephus."
by sebastian crucial December 12, 2006
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To sprinkle some "shake" or yae on some "bake" or weed, roll a blunt and smoke it.
bro1:"hey man i wanna shake and bake, you got any weed?"
bro2:"yeah bro you got some shake?"
by sebastian crucial December 6, 2006
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Collectively all the Bros in the city of Roanoke, VA.
bro1:"Were having a Brodown tonight with all of Broanoke."
bro2:"Fuck yeah, I love those bros!"
by sebastian crucial December 5, 2006
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Thanksgiving with your bros.
bro1:"Dude, Brosgiving was awesome this year."
bro2:"What did you guys do?"
bro1:"You know, bro, chillax, drink wiskey, eat turkey, watch skate vids"
by sebastian crucial December 5, 2006
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A phrase commonly used to attract a babe's attention. If yelled in inner city RVA it will make girls will turn and look like its their name.
"Matt saw some hot scene sluts after the ETID show, so he leaned out of the car window and yelled 'Yo Booty!' and got one of thier numbers"
by sebastian crucial December 5, 2006
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