35 definitions by sciflyer.25

Term used to describe characters, items, hazards and every possible scenario in Mario Kart 64. KartPhonics was devised by phanatical Mario Kart players who would play Mario Kart 64 for hours each day, sometimes skipping college classes multiple times per week, with each person claiming to be the best Kart player in the world. Cigarettes were smoked, alcohol was consumed, heavily at times, and extreme frustration was endured by each player. It was through this frustration that the players realized over time that a new Phonics was created.

Unfortunate scenario example:
Sweet Load - Hitting a banana and sliding into a bomb. A sweet load requires precision to set up, and is very rewarding for the player that accomplishes this and F's up another character. This scenerio is the ultimate injustice for a human kart player. Perhaps the the best spot for a sweet load set up is during Koopa Troopa Beach on the ramp that leads to the shortcut thru the cave. If successful, this sweet load is truly demoralizing to the affected player.

Guantlet setup:
We call the triple green shell gift a GAUNTLET for good reason: a nice gauntlet setup can create complete havoc during a race. To set up a gauntlet, while driving, simply aim your character toward a wall or obstacle and fire away. If you want to be extra creative, fire left-right-left or vice versa for complete fucked-up fun.
Jim: I'm going to hand you your ass today in Kart. Loser buys a pack of smokes and the next case.
Brian: I'll lay a sweet load on the first lap. Hooked on KartPhonics bitch!
by sciflyer.25 April 18, 2013
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Phrase used to describe a set of boobs so unattractive that they look like a pair of socks hanging from a clothesline. Hanging sock tits are mostly fat with little breast tissue. The complete opposite of a nice set of tits.
Brenda looks like she has hanging sock tits in that bikini top. Be prepared to vomit if you look at her.
by sciflyer.25 June 17, 2014
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An isolated patch of hair found anywhere on the body. Most common areas include the hands, back, chest, and pubic area on an unkept person.
Check out the beast patches on Jim's hands. Those make him look like a werewolf.
Check out the beast patch on that broad's vagina. I'll bet that smells like godzilla's breath. Bitch needs a shave!
by sciflyer.25 September 15, 2010
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Study of clowns, a term used by adult men that are compensated minimum wage to look like Ronald McDonald at social gatherings to cover up pedophilia and justify the waste their life has become.
I'm studying Clownology. I love kids and the kids will love me. I can make them smile, teach them how to make balloon animals and have them practice on my penis.
by sciflyer.25 August 20, 2014
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the remnants of a masive dump left on any portion of an already flushed toilet.
Jules took such a large, gelatinous dump that even after 3 flushes, resideuce remained in the toilet.
by sciflyer.25 September 11, 2010
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Similar to a fishing rod, an instrument used to snag and retrieve an obvious toupee that looks horrendous.
Vinny: Check out that middle-aged fool hitting on the brunette. With a hairpiece like that, he has no shot at banging her.
Carl: Yeah, I'll get the rug rod out of the trunk and expose this assclown's dome!
by sciflyer.25 February 22, 2013
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In Texas Hold'em, the opposite of pocket aces. It can be a combination of any shit cards that the player should fold immediately without question.
These include 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 3-7, 3-8 and a few more. You get the point.
Johnny: What were your hole cards last hand?

Jim: These cards suck. I had a 3-9. I never bluff with pocket feces.
by sciflyer.25 May 6, 2014
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