
someone who has committed (or been legally convicted of) a crime
he has done many bad things: he's a crook.
by Humberto Cueva December 10, 2003
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1. A thief, a criminal, a crook or a dishonest or immoral person in a position of authority who abuses his/her power.
2. A skateboard grind on only the front truck, grinding on a 45* angle.
1. "The Officials in UAE are crooked, you get the death penalty for carrying 3 joints, but you can get off for the price of 5 ounces."
2. "I locked down a sweet crook/crooked on that rail/ledge."
by Diego August 14, 2003
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I am too crook to work
by Erniezzz February 12, 2005
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the joyful feeling you get when drinking alcohol smoking weed and taking cocaine at a party
man, I am really crooked right now and i love it, let's go dancing
by gooooglakis January 7, 2010
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Newfoundland slang

A state of being ornery, fussy, or disagreeable. Can be a temporary condition, or a character trait.

Often coupled with the modifier "right", as in "right crooked", for emphasis.

note: the pronunciation favors an equal emphasis of the -crook and the -ed. Dissimilar to "booked".
"Crooked Mr. Flattery never gives out Halloween candies"

"Jane gets right crooked whenever Bill's around"
by gricha November 19, 2008
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a strongly disagreeable action, but not so much as a twisted one
that was crooked

he tried to do some crooked shit
by DWatson March 18, 2005
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