26 definitions by reuel titus

A very simple video display terminal without the capability of re-positioning the cursor so that lines of text roll off the top of the screen like an infinitely long roll of paper feeding into a paper shredder.
The user interface was strictly glass tty, the application doesn't even repaint the screen.
by reuel titus October 17, 2003
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The fake cockroach on the wedding cake scared the bejeebers out of the nervous groom.
by reuel titus October 17, 2003
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teletype, a combination keyboard, printer and modem.
Typically with a paper tape punch and reader to save long-distance costs.
Connections were typically made at 300 baud (bits per second) or 6 characters per second, the speed of a fast typist.
TTY access is generally available to government services for the benefit of the hearing impaired.
by reuel titus October 17, 2003
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The scared groom was as stiff as a broom.
by reuel titus October 17, 2003
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I know there is another abbreviation for BTC but I'm not hip enough to know what it is.
by reuel titus October 21, 2003
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n (India) usually in combination: person in charge of or employed at a particular thing; "a kitchen wallah"; "the book wallah"
Definition plagierized from WordNet
by reuel titus October 17, 2003
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