5 definitions by redroadpunk

The Orange Anus had better be careful when he spends the next decade in prison. Big Bubba would take advantage if he dropped the soap.
by redroadpunk August 29, 2023
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A sex act involving a prostitute sticking their tongue up a man's butt; analingus.
Tim: I saw an ad for a hooked under my door. I called the number, and they sent a hooker to my hotel to give me a poison dragon.
by redroadpunk May 31, 2023
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Methamphetamine; crystal meth
A magical substance that instantly makes you more productive, intelligent and energetic. A bonus is that you no longer need to sleep or eat. If anyone tells you about meth-induced psychosis, just ignore them. Those people probably had living nightmares before they got on the pipe.
Person on subway: what's that cloud of smoke that smells like cat piss and battery acid?
Homeless man on subway: mind your own business, I'm just smoking some shabu shabu.
by redroadpunk June 26, 2023
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Willie: Why look, it's Milhouse! What's the power glove for, opening the cup on your wierdo pills?
*Receives an ultimate noogie*
by redroadpunk August 22, 2022
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When you get your head shoved in a mud puddle.
Josh: I saw that bastard Aiden making out with my girlfriend behind the bleachers.
Sam: She won't find him so handsome after we give him a freshman facial.
by redroadpunk August 22, 2022
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