55 definitions by rebecca

the weakerthans

A band with meaningful lyrics. Often melancholy, and very addicting.
"Terrified of telephones and shopping malls and knives, and drowning in the pools of other lives, rely a bit too heavily, on alcohol and irony."
-The Weakerthans
by rebecca August 15, 2004
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teeny boppers

Teenagers; especially young teens who 'follow the pack'. This can mean; liking the same bands, wearing the same brand of clothes and adopting the same slang. This can be spotted as teeny boppers behaviour and not an indication of indivdual taste by the complete change of affectations and habits after about eight months have passed.
Teeny boppers:The current hatred of emo, by kids who are into punk. Also kids being emo, because its cool. Also the fact both groups wear converse all stars in a variety of colours. Although this will date very quickly as Green Day haven't released anything in a while.
by rebecca June 19, 2006
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boning out

leaving, exiting
"This party is boring, let's BONE OUT"
"Instead of staying at my Grandmother's house, I boned out"
by rebecca July 6, 2003
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under pressure

A song written by Queen and David Bowie, that Vanilla Ice lifted and put into "Ice Ice Baby", and later tried to convice the public that his version was different. The Used and My Chemical Romance are currently performing Under Pressure on the Taste Of Chaos. They will be releasing a studio version to support victims of the Tsunami.
Under Pressure is THE BEST SONG EVER.

"Did you get to see MCR and The Used perform Under Pressure?"
by rebecca April 6, 2005
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love handshake

"Even though Frankie and Carla only knew each other for a couple days, on one drunken night, they took part in a LOVE HANDSHAKE"
by rebecca July 6, 2003
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1) To be nasty and/or sluty

2) Used in southern hip hop as a close personal friend.
1) Danm, I'm a gonna get some from that dirrty girl!

2) Wat up, dirrty?
by rebecca March 29, 2003
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