23 definitions by poodlewrestler

a collective noun describing clothing for mice in general (who wants to see a naked mouse - eek!)
he got so close to being caught he nearly shat his mousetrouser
by poodlewrestler June 26, 2003
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attributable to
accordian to Beverley, Jef is mad.
by poodlewrestler June 26, 2003
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a dyslexic wanker
(also wonker, wakner etc)
what a winker
by poodlewrestler November 10, 2003
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well, what the fuck do YOU think it means?
some cunning linguists are merely trouser gobblers in drag...
by poodlewrestler November 10, 2003
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a young lady wearing rather tight underwear or the underwear in question
christ! if she bends over her pubestranglers will cut her in half
by poodlewrestler June 26, 2003
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