78 definitions by nobody else here

samson: wew how do do that with the bot?
bran: magic! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *
by nobody else here October 1, 2017
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when u get hit in the balls.
now my nuts are sooo huge cuz of that one morning i woke up and accidentally hit the sack.
by nobody else here March 18, 2017
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1. when you stayed up way too late and you dont want to get up for work.
2. when you usually get up early in the morning and it is the middle of winter.
sometimes i get the morning blues from staying up all night.
by nobody else here April 25, 2017
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a thing u do right after copping out because you realize you really fucked up, or you just want to do the right thing even if it isnt something major.
i felt like skipping school cus of a new gta game that came out and i wanted to buy it as it was just released but i then i copped in when i got down to the store a block from the school. how i got caught, well almost did was when i made it to the highway, i seen a cop in his car havin his coffee in the store parking lot. i was gonna try to go around, but i resisted. but i managed to get behind a bush real quick before he seen me, then he left the parking lot to go back to the police station. then i ran back to the school as quick as i could before the bell rang for class to start. no one even found out about all that cus when i got in the school someone noticed i ran alot assuming i accidentally slept in and had to run to school to be there on time. so it all turned out well. i live in a town with like 3k ppl so there wasnt any cops along there till i made it to the store.
by nobody else here October 23, 2017
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the dam thing lagged out cuz of too much live spam
by nobody else here August 10, 2017
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someone who talks over people in a stutter tone purposely.
i have a fake stuttering problem.
by nobody else here April 23, 2017
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a nickname for someone who is really ticking u off.
person 1: get roasted!

person 2: oh shut up windowlicker.
by nobody else here March 21, 2017
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