by nobody else here October 24, 2017
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Portable Document Format.
Makes documents portable as long as you install the necessary software. In other words, it is exactly the same as any other document format. Except it is more likely to bring your system to a grinding halt.
That idiot webmaster has put the files up in PDF. What's wrong with HTML?
by Chavish Hater December 19, 2005
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Please Don't Forget!
by Famous Teacher August 25, 2016
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Pre Dump Fart- nasty smelling farts you get before taking a dump.
Ah dude I'm having nasty PDFs! Time to head to the can...
by k-thwarp June 3, 2010
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Bro1: Broooo, that's one PDF biddie.
Bro2: Duuuude, I'd totally tap that.
by BAC6240 December 4, 2011
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Panty Dropping Factor- attractive traits that people have. Usually adds points to their PDF.
His hair adds like 30 PDF points.
by Plover January 28, 2014
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Jason and Asstrada like to PDF, especially on the weekends.
by ChelseaSmiles March 18, 2010
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