165 definitions by nlolhere

A song that semi-famous rapper Tay-K made in 2017. Basically talked about him being a criminal, him killing people, and running from the police. It may seem like just a rap, but in reality it was basically a confession because he actually was a criminal and did kill a person. He also made the song while he was on the run from the po-po.

To make a long story short, he tried doing the race against the cops, failed, and is now serving a 55 year prison sentence. He’s already done 3 so far, but he’ll probably have been in there for more years if you’re reading this in the future.
“Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu-Fuck a beat I was tryna beat a case

But I ain’t beat that case, bitch I did the race

-the race by tay k
by nlolhere July 14, 2020
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short for “do you want me to come over and eat your pussy til you cum on my face”.
Person 1: What should we do? I’m bored
Person 2: dywmtcoaeyptycomf?
Person 1: What?
Person 2: *sigh* Wanna eat me out and then cum on my face?
Person 1: ...Ok I guess
by nlolhere July 23, 2020
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The year that keeps getting worse! Fires, war, coronavirus, the CCP, the death of your social life, and more!

...At least we have slightly better memes than the rest of the years...
2020 is the bane of my existence. The Internet is the only thing helping me during this time, except for the fact that it is seemingly almost impossible to not end up doomscrolling.

I just want to go on a vacation, man...
by nlolhere July 14, 2020
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An entirely obsolete thing that doesn’t educate people at all after 3rd grade because they refuse to understand everything they’re talking about can be easily looked up on the Internet or done with other tools. Need to solve a math problem? Use a calculator. Need to read something? You’re already doing it. Need to write something? That should be easy, and if it’s not, look up how. Need to recall social studies, science, or other information? Look it up. Want to learn Art or Music or a foreign language? Practice a lot on it and dedicate a lot of time and effort for learning it, like you should with all hobbies. Anything else? Look it up. Unless you are planning on becoming a teacher, you will never need to know any of this info, and even then you can just look up all of that information. The only good part about it is that it can help extend your social circle, meet new friends ,and become socially active. If it doesn’t do that for you, well, you’re out of luck.
School is obsolete and it’s only purpose is to help get you a good job that will make you a lot of money.
by nlolhere June 26, 2020
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