171 definitions by nicholas d

The standard consequence of losing a beirut/beer pong game very badly. The losing team is required to run naked around the outside of the building in which the game is being played. Depending on house rules, a naked run rule may be enforced either when a team loses before making it to their first re-rack (6 cups left) or when a team does not sink a single cup in an entire game. This rule is often not enforced in a game where all players are male because that would be considered "too gay."
Steve: "How'd you guys do in the Sigma Chi beirut tournament?"
John: "Not too great. We lost to 'Wet Balls' in the semifinals."
Steve: "Man, in every tournament there's a team called 'Wet Balls.' So unoriginal."
John: "Word to your mother. But at least we got to see Vicky and Sarah lose a game by 9 cups and do a naked run around the building."
Steve: "Hell yeah! Vicky is pretty hot. I would have loved to see those things bounce around, if you know what I mean."
John: "Yeah it was pretty awesome. Skeet skeet!"
by nicholas d February 13, 2009
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A heterosexual female or homosexual male who is both obese and promiscuous. “Five guys” refers to the servicing of many men, and “burgers and fries” refers to all the fatty food they eat.
Brenda really makes the rounds whenever she’s not stuffing down cheese and charcuterie plates. She’s no stranger to the biscuit tin and no stranger to the sausage bin. Five guys burgers and fries!
by nicholas d February 24, 2022
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A figurative relative who comes to visit when you vomit. Similar to Aunt Flo.
DeSean: "How did last night go? Did you get it on with LaShawna?"
LeSean: "Nah man, hit the booze too hard and ended up getting a visit from Uncle Ralph."

Sean: "Dude, did you read Ralph Waldo Emerson's classic 'The American Scholar'? That shit is monkey-fighting LEGIT! In da hizzouse!"
Shawn: "Psssht! More like Uncle Ralph Waldo Emerson! That guy was a total clown. I don't think I could get through a paragraph of his writing without losing my lunch. I'm more a fan of some of the modern-day philosophers like Rebecca Black, who tackles more relevant issues like which seat is best to occupy in a vehicle, or Aaron Carter, who explores the division of dreams and reality in his great work 'That's How I Beat Shaq.'"
Sean: "Dude. No."
by nicholas d November 9, 2011
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Enough is enough! I have had it with these monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane!
by nicholas d November 8, 2011
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An stronger form of beat it up. While beating it up means having intercourse with a woman, beating it uuuuup means really going at it like crazy or doing it multiple times. The more you drag out the "u" in "up," the more vigorous and/or repeated you are trying to say that the act was. Further emphasis can be added by sticking your tongue out during the "uuuuu" part.
Situation: Steve's little sister, Tammy, is a high school senior considering attending a college 500 miles from where Steve's family lives. Steve's friend from high school, Josh, is currently a junior at that college. Steve thought it would be a good idea for Josh to show Tammy around and introduce her to some people during her visit to the school.

Steve: "How did everything go with Tammy? It sounds like she had a great time."
Josh: "She sure as hell did! First I showed her around campus and introduced her to some of my friends. Then we went out to a bar and had a bunch of shots. After that I took it back to my place and I beat it up. Sorry dude."
Steve: "How could you, man? That's really disrespectful. Oh well, I'll get over it. We still on for South Padre for spring break?"
Josh: "Fo' shizzle my nizzle."

Steve: "How did everything go with Tammy? It sounds like she had a great time."
Josh: "She sure as hell did! First I showed her around campus and introduced her to some of my friends. Then we went out to a bar and had a bunch of shots. After that I took it back to my place and I beat it uuuuup! Skeet skeet! Sorry dude."
Steve: "WHAAAAT!?!?!? You motherfucking son of a bitch! That's my little sister! I'm going to kill you!!!"
by nicholas d March 10, 2010
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An insult similar to cocksucker. Originates from the song "Uncle Fucka," performed by comedians Terrence and Phillip" in the movie "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut." Considered more offensive than cocksucker in that it is a bit more graphic and calls the person a bastard, implying that the person either was born out of wedlock or is of questionable moral character.
"Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka!
You're a boner biting bastard, uncle fucka!"
-Terrence and Phillip, "Uncle Fucka"

Jamal: "You're a cocksucker."
Evan: "Oh yeah, well you're a nobgobbler."
Jamal: "If you were a dinosaur, they would call you sucksalottacock."
Evan: "Well if your parents could name you again, they'd name you Isaac York-Hawk."
Jamal: "You spend more time on your knees than a Gregorian monk."
Evan: "Well you're a boner biting bastard."
Jamal: "Come on man, that was uncalled for."
Evan: "Yeah, I guess so. Sorry."
by nicholas d March 15, 2009
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To play badminton; to hit the shuttlecock ('cock) around.
Pete: "Yo dogg, want to go out and whack the 'cock around for awhile?"
Ken: "No thanks. I'm just going to hang out here and masturbate."
by nicholas d March 10, 2009
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