17 definitions by nego


A predominantly black neighborhood in West Philadelphia that borders predominantly white and Jewish. Bala Cynwyd in Lower Merion via city line. Black people from Wynnefield like to cross city line and steal the white kids bikes on their lawns.
"Dude, my friend from bala cynwyd got his bike stolen, returned, and stolen again in one week!!"
"Thats cuz u live a block away from wynnefield."
by nego October 4, 2005
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a person who thinks their cool because they act badass online. Usually comes in the form of a 12-year old boy.
iHole: yo you suck you pussy your a faggot
(you have been warned by iHole. your warning level is now 15%)
iHole:what do you think of that pussy?

Me: get a life you cum guzzler
by nego May 10, 2005
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People who are pro-life tend to be right-wing christians.They claim that we do not have the right to play god,however, right wing christians are usually pro-death penalty. These same people that also fight for pro-life like to send death threats and bomb and kill abortionists.
"Im pro-life so i think people who abort should get the death penalty"
"Um, so then how are you pro-'life'?"
*runs away*
by nego December 2, 2005
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gun problem

Something that America has.
American: I went to go get some chinese food down on 51st but a fight broke out so we left to avoid being shot.
Brit:you were worried about being shot?
American: yea, we have a slight gun problem here.
by nego November 29, 2005
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the clash

actually, dickhead, The Clash is one of the first punk bands ever. If you knew anything about music or punk you would know that A. Music changes, therfore punk from the 70's wont sound like Blink182 and B. Blink182 isn't even a punk band
one of the reasons why the clash were so good was because of how much passion and how much they wanted to play their music, except for socks899 of course, because he doesn't know shit about music
by nego May 10, 2005
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Otherwise known as crack-cocaine, this illegal drug is a mixture of two parts cocaine and one part baking soda. This chemical process reverts the powder-cocaine mkaing process by one step, producing a smokable form of the naturally found alkaloid cocaine. Because of its nature as an inhalable substance, the high is quicker and more intense, leading to a larger number of addicts. In present society, it is considered to be much more distasteful to use crack-cocaine then powder-cocaine as crack is mainly viewed as a drug for poor people whereas powder cocaine is used by a richer constituancy. Contrary to popular belief, crack-cocaine is not freebase cocaine. Freebase cocaine is a mixture of cocaine, ether, and other dangerous and combustable materials. Baking soda was replaced as the ingredient in the 1980's to make production easier and less dangerous. Either way, crack and freebase cocaine produce the same smokable form of the drug.
crack-cocaine is usually found in poor black neighborhoods in the ghetto whereas powder-cocaine is found in rich white suburban neighborhoods.
by nego December 6, 2005
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drunk dialing

A phone call not just while under the influence as many say but because you ARE under the influence. Alcohol makes people more talkitive and open, therefore calling people to talk is much more likely under the circumstances. The following call (usually from a male to a female) is entitled "drunk dialing"
Also happens on coke
Tom was drunk dialing me yesterday he said some stupid shit
Yea you should stop sucking his dick for 2 months
by nego October 7, 2006
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