21 definitions by nathan burns

N. A crappy or broken down car.
A. Someone that is basically a worthless person.
My ex is sled. But on the plus side I was able to unload my sled on her during the divorce.
by nathan burns September 14, 2006
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N. Name given to the asses who walk around in public with Blue Tooth headsets on. So called because of their similar appearance to Jean Claude Van Dam from the movie of the same name.
I was out at the Waffle House the other day when this group of universal soldiers walked in. I mean, who is so important that they're getting calls at three in the morning anyway?
by nathan burns November 8, 2006
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N. (pl) Any really annoying Euro Trash songs, people, ideas, countries etc.
by nathan burns September 14, 2006
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People that are not very intelligent. They tend toward menial jobs that require little or no thought. People with low ambition that are a drain on society. Loser
I had a run in with the left over at grocery store today. I asked him where the cucumbers were and he pointed me to the squash.
by nathan burns September 18, 2006
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N. Feces, V (deploy) to deficate. Named so because the French Marines are shit.
I'd give it a few minutes before using the bathroom. I just deployed the French Marines.
by nathan burns September 13, 2006
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A general term meant to include everything in a group. A hillbilly term similar to mess.
After we cleaned the fish, Joe Bob put the whole shitaroo in the freezer for next months fish fry.
by nathan burns September 18, 2006
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Something that is very, very cool.
Have you seen the video of the hunter being attacked by the deer?
Yeah, its the dogs balls.
by nathan burns September 13, 2006
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