11 definitions by meowmixer

I really don't fucking know. The 12th dimension of some crazy shit.
by meowmixer October 6, 2004
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A random insult to annoy people. One who steals turds.
Fuck you! you ass-sniffin' turd burglur!
by meowmixer October 9, 2004
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Missy bit my neck and my mom asked about it and I said she had cheese. Then my mom was like ''I don't give a shit who had the cheese!''
by meowmixer October 6, 2004
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That guy. He conducts the rubber band at the circus.
who's that guys with the stick, pointing at that rubber band? duh you fucking motard, that's the rubber band guy!
by meowmixer October 6, 2004
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The perfect word to confuse people when you already know they're stupid but just want to check.
I was on the phone with this dumbass, so I screamed DOGBAR and they were like whaa?
by meowmixer October 9, 2004
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Mr. Bo jangles' brother's friend's doctor's husband's veterarian's sister's cousin.

A guy slangin' some dope shit (the flamest polyester on the northwest side)
a negro: Hey, where's Harold?
by meowmixer October 6, 2004
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