33 definitions by mave73
Male, no social life, compulsively asking wikipedia all kind of questions, day and night becoming a Wikipedophile.
Ethymology: Wikipedia "Fast Education" (Hawaiian: Wiki Wiki "Fast" + Ecyclopedia (Gk. enkyklios paideia = "child education") + Philòs "lover" = "Wikipedophile" = "Fast Education lover"
Ethymology: Wikipedia "Fast Education" (Hawaiian: Wiki Wiki "Fast" + Ecyclopedia (Gk. enkyklios paideia = "child education") + Philòs "lover" = "Wikipedophile" = "Fast Education lover"
by mave73 March 3, 2008
by mave73 October 21, 2008
by mave73 May 20, 2008
by mave73 December 2, 2009
The accidental sending of a text message,
resulting in the recipient receiving a message that makes little to no sense, or makes you a big, big embarrassed ass.
resulting in the recipient receiving a message that makes little to no sense, or makes you a big, big embarrassed ass.
He had a premature textaculation, so he wrote her: "I was looking again at your picture when I came ..." Ooops! message sent! instead of ".. I was looking again at your picture when I came to the conclusion that probably we never met." well.. what do you know about that! what a total ass!
by mave73 August 16, 2008
Junktage is all the Ebullshit you find on Ebay looking for some nice things from the 70's or the 80's.. so looks like vintage but really is junktage..
by mave73 October 30, 2007