73 definitions by mOrGaN

referring to yourself as the best..
... i give you props fo dat.. but in the end... im just SoOo G!
by mOrGaN February 14, 2003
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A feeling one gets when in a dark cold room with nothing on but a guitar strapped around their neck, preferably crying and listening to hardcore music, loud and very hard.
by mOrGaN November 24, 2003
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a term used on instant messaging services. meant as "im gunna go"
urscreenamesuks: yo, im gunna check out, i'll catch ya lata
by mOrGaN April 17, 2005
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someone whose ego has become inlarged. causing them to act arrogant and often unintelligent.
the saying "hold up swoll up"

refers to one of two things:

1. someone who has done something great, is on a roll, and deserves praise.

2. someone who has done nothing spectacular and brags anyway and receives sarcastic praise.
by mOrGaN July 9, 2004
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Someone who has lived or is currently living in Duncanville, TX, the ghetto for sure. Usually a tight ass skank/playa with no job, no money, no car, and probably either in band or has a baby momma/daddy. Good for nothing, not doin' nothing. Lazy ass. Maybe habla espanol...or atleast thinks they can.

ghetto da hood
"Gurrrrrl, you KNOW she'ah duncanvillite."
"Gurl why you say dat?"
"Look at dat WEAVE! Lookin' like a damn Beyonce"
"Shooo, i herrr dat."
by mOrGaN November 26, 2004
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the act of jamming your big toe up anothers ass then shoving it down that same persons throat.
by mOrGaN October 25, 2003
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the act of jamming your big toe up anothers ass then remove it and cram the shitified toe down their throught
by mOrGaN October 25, 2003
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