73 definitions by mOrGaN

A hand job that makes you dog spit up
hard and fast;nice a cool
"damn son that was a nice makjob"
by mOrGaN March 10, 2005
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The bestest movie in the world, the craft is a bad ass movie, you should watch it sometime
by mOrGaN October 14, 2003
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The best band in the world. Lead singer/bass guitar Tyson Ritter is the hottest man alive! They have awesome talent and anyone who disses them needs to shut the fuck up!
by mOrGaN October 19, 2003
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Masterbating in a cat's basket, with your cat in the basket, by using a Gear Magazine.
Dude, Leksan totally was cat basketing this morning. And Tyler saw him too!
by mOrGaN December 20, 2004
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To kick ass.

I'm fairly certain that the AC-10 Award, which comes from Goldeneye and Timesplitters, is a reference to Dungeons and Dragons. AC stands for Armor Class. The lower the AC number, the stronger the armor i.e. -10 being very very high. Thus, one who won the AC-10 award in Goldeneye and Timesplitters was one who horded the armor. However, since the games' makers nenver explained what the award means, it seems like it was doled out to whoever kicked the most ass (which one tends to do when one hordes armor). Thus, as both games are very popular, AC-10 has moved into the popular lexicon to mean "ass-kicker."
"I got the AC-10 award the other day on that presentation."
by mOrGaN April 9, 2004
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the act of suprising someone by shoving your finger up someones butt.
she jumped 5 feet in the air when i gave her that stinky stan
by mOrGaN August 8, 2003
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very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very good
this tv is sooo goodly!
by mOrGaN August 23, 2003
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