44 definitions by loz

a word describing tha way a snief iz acting.ie. sneaky snief
nigga:he sniefly sniefed ma bag,fuckin snief!
by loz January 15, 2005
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A: 'It's a ghost!'
B: 'No, that ghost isn't alive. 'Tis a Spirie'
by loz August 23, 2003
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A brilliant act or performance, standing above all others.
Wow, that guy really ricocheed during that game!
by loz July 24, 2003
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there you go/it will be done and sorted
to run a ps2 game you put in in the games console and bob's your uncle
by loz November 27, 2003
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Pal, friend, chum, mate
Whats up Lash
Pass me that fag, lash
by loz October 18, 2003
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anova word fo snief.also comes from tha word freek-a-leek.
nigga:u fuckin snief-a-leek yo!get ur handz outa ma bag!
by loz January 15, 2005
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