16 definitions by king of jellybeans

A fanboy is an obsessed fan of a specific anime, video game, or some other media, often hostile to those who disagree. Anime fanboys or otaku might engage is cosplaying, writing fanfiction, or creating fanart. Other fanboys (or the female equivelant, fangirls) of other media might do similar things and also act hostile towards those who disagree.
I just got flamed by some Naruto fanboy simply because I said it was an overrated anime.
by king of jellybeans November 11, 2007
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A cliche in bad movies such as A Kid in King Arthur's Court in which a female character in the first act of the movie is strong and totally independent and can kick ass but in the last part of the movie becomes weak and helpless and needs a man to save her.

Phrase comes from the Nostalgia Critic review of A Kid in King Arthur's Court.
Hmmm... that princess who knew martial arts and swordfighting and could defeat a man twice her size now can't break out of the arm lock of a man her size. She must have the dumbass in distress disorder.
by king of jellybeans December 31, 2010
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That song that Arthur hates but DW loves. It has nonsensical lyrics such as "busalooey".
I was playing Crazy Bus on some speakers, and an angry mob led by Arthur burned down my house.
by king of jellybeans December 19, 2009
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Some "guy" (I use that term loosely) who went from being virtually unknown in Jan-Feb 2010 to suddenly being a rival to Frankenstein-like stem cell creations known as the Jonas Brothers in terms of popularity with the 11-14 year old female tween demographic.
I heard a whiny girl singing whitewashed R&B, only to find out, it was the faulty laboratory experiment himself, Justin Beiber.
by king of jellybeans April 14, 2010
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One of the few great games for the Nintendo Wii that wasn't licensed by Nintendo.

Directed by Suda 51, No More Heroes was originally going to be for the XBox 360, but it was later made for the Wii to make use of the motion-sensing controls.
It follows the story of an otaku and wrestling fan named Travis Touchdown who spends all his money on a beam-katana (similar to a lightsaber from Star Wars) Now broke, he meets up with a mysterious woman named Sylvia Christel, who works for the United Assassins Association (UAA) where he accepts a mission to kill the #11 assasin, Helter Skelter. Now, he works to become the #1 assassin in the UAA by killing the 10 assassins above him. After he takes out an assassin, he has to make enough money to pay the UAA to fight the next assassin.
The game is notable for its over-exaggerated blood and violence, which would make it a perfect target for Jack Thompson if he hadn't been disbarred already. So to all the parents out there, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME FOR YOUNG KIDS!!!

Personally, I consider it a very good game, though I think the open world environment didn't have much thought put into it. It would be nice to be able to talk to people, have more store options, basically make it more realistic. A multiplayer option would've also been a nice touch. Still, I highly recommend it, and to all the PS3 fanboys who believe the Wii's "kiddy" this game is quite the opposite.
If you have a Wii, but you're tired of the usual casual and party games, get No More Heroes. You'll love it.
by king of jellybeans November 3, 2008
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Arguably the best hamburger joint in NYC, though considerably pricier than McDonald's but worth every penny.
Let's get some burgers and shakes at the Shake Shack!
by king of jellybeans January 10, 2010
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A band that seems promising when they have a song about playing video games, but it all goes to hell when one hears the singer due to his godawful whiny and nasally voice.

The song "Just Wanna Play Video Games" became a small internet meme and inspired various covers by various garage bands, singing in a similarly-irritating voice.
Guy 1: Yo, you wanna go to that Blackout concert?
Guy 2: Hell no, they suck! I'd rather hear the Jonas Brothers!
by king of jellybeans July 14, 2009
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