33 definitions by just like honey

A cultural value indicative of 21st Century societies, especially amongst First World societies.

Self-empowerment promotes the individual's pleasures and comforts as the ultimate goal to life or 'key' to happiness, encouraging behavior that satisfies one's ego and bodily pleasures.

Ironically, in the long-term, this mentality is counterintuitive, as it creates a society of narcissism, self-indulgence and self-glorification.
Emily: "Why do you keep posting pics of yourself topless?"
James: "Self-empowerment"
by just like honey June 5, 2021
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A bridesmaid who, upon learning that she's in the running for the position of Maid of Honour, begins to schmooze to tip the odds in her favour. This could include flattery, doing favours, buying gifts and other general ass-kissing.
Alvin: "What's with Mary? She never has time for me anymore"
Toni: "That's because she's too busy being Kate's bribesmaid"
Alvin: "Oh man, not again"
by just like honey August 26, 2015
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To piss, but in a way that silences the splashing or tinkling sound.

Commonly achieved by aiming the piss at the inside of the toilet bowl or by padding the bottom with toilet paper in order to muffle the sound.

Often done when you don't want to draw attention to your piss.
"I had to use the public toilet yesterday but I was scared I'd make too much noise so I had to resort to pishhing"
by just like honey August 20, 2017
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Street slang for a small gun. Usually a .22 caliber pistol.

Named Peggy Sue Thomas, the former beauty queen who was an accomplice in a murder.

Used in songs by Rihanna and Jay-Z
"You better back up before he pull out that Peggy Sue"

"It's a .22. I call her Peggy Sue"
by just like honey July 3, 2019
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The scientifically accurate way of saying "basic bitch".
Emily: "Megan is so basic."
Carla: "Agreed. She suffers from being an alkaline bitch."
by just like honey July 23, 2021
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The combined foul smell of booty, dick, and cigarettes.
Thalia: "It smells like boodigarettes here!"
by just like honey March 2, 2022
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The zone around a bed that marks the area of space that is within immediate reach b of the person sleeping in the bed.
Karla: "You should buy a bedside table"
Emily: "There's no point. There's no room in my Bed Zone"
by just like honey April 5, 2023
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