7 definitions by junkyman420

Peyote, San Pedro, or other Mescaline-containing psychoactive cacti.
"I have some cactus. Let's trip"
by junkyman420 March 13, 2004
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One who injects Heroin, etc.
"William is a channel swimmer."
by junkyman420 March 13, 2004
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To be jailed.
"Fuck, I've been boxed for that ounce I had in the backseat"
by junkyman420 March 13, 2004
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1. A burnout
2. A drughead, dope fiend (particularly one lacking intellect or common sense)
3. Awesome psychological horror film directed by David Lynch, released in 1977.
4. Was one of Kubrick's favorite movies.
"Zippo is a lazy eraserhead."
"Eraserhead is an excellent flick to watch while high on drugs."
by junkyman420 March 13, 2004
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The drug Heroin (high potency).
"I got some nice China Cat for a good price"
by junkyman420 March 13, 2004
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