211 definitions by jeremy

Some so dumb they can't even get the simplest things right.
Hey, Don. Lickknob is one word!
by jeremy December 4, 2003
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Another word for Horny.

Used in conversation otherwise not approrpiate for.
Me: Everytime i see earin, i get unicorn

You: Yeah, i love fairytales....
by jeremy August 24, 2004
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an icon in the horrorcore music community.
Bob e. Nite has been down since day one and we all look up to him he's a real diecon!
by jeremy March 11, 2004
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The act of placing one's penis on the unconscious face of another man (i.e. when passed out or asleep)

A very effective and useful taunt
Hey Kuzz, slappy slappy!

I slappy slappied you good last night

Nice passing out...SLAPPY SLAPPY
by jeremy February 25, 2004
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"Krim, cuddy!"
by jeremy November 7, 2002
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When a digital image becomes blurry and fragmented due to poor file quality, or excess enlargement thereof.
I tried to see more of that bitch but all that damn picture did was pixelize.
by jeremy November 25, 2003
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progression of time describing a menial task.
We walked, boof dee doo.
by jeremy February 6, 2003
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