211 definitions by jeremy

A stupid word that mostly Asians say on computer games such as Counter-Strike. See also weak sauce
Man that was bomb sauce... or something...
by jeremy March 4, 2004
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A widely misunderstood religion started by Anton LeVay.
The church practices self indulgences and frowns upon altruistic behavior. The Church of Satan in no way acknowledges the existence of any devine being neither good nor evil. They worship no devil, though the phrase "hail satan" is commonly used. However in the church Satan represent the repressed desires of all humans and therefore saying "hail satan" is to hail one's self.
It is commonly believed that the church of satan is a horrible group of people that should be feared. The CoS should only be feared if one is actually a member of an archaic religion which preaches self restraint and stupid moral systems that are truly outdated. To roughly quote LeVay one of the philosophies is if someone smacks you on the cheek smash him on his and ten times more for he that turns the other cheek is like the cowardly dog that roles over when kicked. Therefore the person above who stated he beat up on satanists at school was more a satanist than the person who laid there and took it while "chanting" the name of an entity that a true satanist would not even believe to truly exist.

Many religions have broken off from satanism including but not limited The temple of Set.
While conversing in my theology class I realized that the satanist seemed to know more about christianity and satanism both than the self-professed christian who merely reaffirmed his ignorance everytime he opened his mouth.
by jeremy March 30, 2006
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Muckling is a random make out session with a stranger at a bar. Can be used as other parts of speech such as to muckle, muckled with so and so...
Damn did you see Scott he was so drunk he was muckling with another guy at the bar.
by jeremy September 8, 2004
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1: An annoyance caused by stupid construction workers (mexicans) deciding that they need to "fix" a road, so they send you on a completely different road that takes a lot longer to get to where you're going.

2: A great alternative path that takes a long time to get to the destination that you should be going to...such as your house, but instead of continuing to drive, you stop at a destination suitable for the situation. Ususally involving the act of camping and most definitely involves rollercoaster.
Me: Mom, I'm home late cuz i had to take a detour, stupid mexicans are tearing up highway 321.

Mom: Stupid mexicans *shakes head in disappointment*.

Me: I told mom earin and i were still at movie gallery when in fact, we were taking a detour up by the intersection near my house.

You: Weren't you there for like, an hour?

Me: Yeah, napkins saved my life....and my Led Zeppelin shirt. That interstection is most definitely corrupted.

You: ....how many "Allowed Characters" do you have?
by jeremy October 2, 2004
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A certaint type of shit. not as popular as the ghost shit, the crowd pleaser, or the floater

Bob: Uh Oh....

Fred: What's wrong?

Jack: what's that smell?

Bob: I just had a shakespearian shit...

Fred & Jack: ????

Bob: Thy hath shit thy self
by jeremy August 21, 2006
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