8 definitions by ipunnorg

Something your English teacher forced you to learn about
Brush, Shakespeares like 500 years old, why do we need to earn about him???
by ipunnorg May 25, 2021
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Hey I'm bi.......lingual
What did you think bi meant lol?
by ipunnorg May 25, 2021
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A place where someone yells at you in Russian for calling them Russian.
What a Belarus
by ipunnorg May 25, 2021
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Something adults say they have but don't actually
I spilled my glass of milk, now I have stress WAAAAAA
by ipunnorg May 25, 2021
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“Is that a unicorn?”
“No it's a horse with birth defects
by ipunnorg May 25, 2021
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Something that 98.83% of the world call Nazis even though they make really good cars and products for the world.
Ayy, that's the Germany kid.
by ipunnorg May 25, 2021
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Conquering Europe would be a lot easier without
Warum zurlle Does Belgium exist? - Adolf Hitler, 1940
by ipunnorg May 25, 2021
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