14 definitions by i swear to god i'm not drunk

Montreal band that writes some really beautiful lyrics and songs that are so beautiful and elegiac that they stick in your head for weeks at a time. Live performances can only be described by awesome, mind-blowingly energetic, heart-breakingly moving.
The Arcade Fire is one of the best bands I've heard in years.
by i swear to god i'm not drunk December 11, 2005
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"an opinion is like a rectum. everyone has one, but each of them stinks."
in my honest and humble opinion, your opinion stinks.
by i swear to god i'm not drunk December 29, 2005
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One who enjoys screwing you over or leaving you to the dogs of Hell.
That cocksucker sexiled me last night. What an asshole.
by i swear to god i'm not drunk November 8, 2005
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1. a fucking long time
2. the amount of time it will take a girl to love me
3. often an answer to my question of "will you talk to this pathetic lost soul?"
1. Never say never!
2. I will never get this girl to love me.
I: Will you talk to this pathetic lost soul?
You: Never.
I: Fuck.
by i swear to god i'm not drunk February 22, 2005
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an expression of extreme annoyance, exasperation, or frustration that combines pfff with fuck.
pfffuck. i have a discrete math final tomorrow and i haven't even started studying for it.
by i swear to god i'm not drunk December 18, 2005
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my roommate is the most annoying fucker to date. he used to sexile me every other day, didn't care if i couldn't get into my room while they were fucking changing, until i told them to fuck in her room. inconsiderate bastard. he also expects me to go to bed at the same time he does; he asks me every single fucking night what time i want to go to bed. he tells me to work on my fucking homework the next night just because he says he can't sleep as well with the computer on. i work on my homework in the computer lab where i don't have to put up with his peevish presence. he said that it would be funny if my cello got stolen, which it did. turns out somebody down the hall did it as a joke. scared the hell out of the motherfucker. fucking deserved it.
by i swear to god i'm not drunk December 7, 2005
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another way of saying damn, jeepers, gosh, oh you shouldn't have, or phooey
Aw shucks. I burned off my wiener with the heater.
by i swear to god i'm not drunk November 8, 2005
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