88 definitions by holly

a prostitute, used in the movie 'dumb and dumber'--
harry says: "would you like some tea and crumpets??"
"man that chick is a nasty crumpet she's not worth the 50 cents that she charges"
by holly November 23, 2004
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consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other
by holly August 26, 2003
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slang for solid waste matter - aka shit
"After I got home, I had a nice long thickie in the bathroom....and felt great afterwards!"

- opposite of "thinnie" (pee)

by holly December 6, 2007
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As 2together told us...calculus is simply U+Me=Us
by holly January 6, 2005
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without name, or lack of name... unknown and mysterious
for example there is a new kid and no one knows who he is... they call him phamon
by holly June 25, 2004
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"Hey Tubs, Don't Hog The Potater Chips!"
by holly October 8, 2003
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something that is either poofy/frizzy
by holly November 8, 2003
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