23 definitions by hawke4me

Smoking crystal meth in a glass pipe. The phrase comes from rolling the pipe when smoking meth and from the pipe being referred to as "the glass dick".
Hey Steph, you look spun. You been twistin' dick ?
by hawke4me April 14, 2019
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A dirty hole that is filled with cum. Usually the vag but can also be the bung hole, male or female.
Did you hear that Stephanie is now a cum landfill after the boys ran a train on her.
by hawke4me January 15, 2020
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Short for mosquitoes, as in mosquitoe bites for tits. Tits so small that all there is are two nipples.
Wow ! Did you see Ashley's skeetoes ? You've got bigger tits than her and you're a dude.
by hawke4me May 6, 2020
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A person, male or female, who enjoys deepthroating extra long man sausages.
Bill- "Hey, did you hear about Parker ?"
Phong- "Yeah, I heard he went down 9" Nick."
Bill-"Guess that makes him a longnecker now."
by hawke4me April 19, 2015
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The vagina. Usually attached to a dirty skank. Tastes like chicken, smells like tuna, looks like taco.
Tommy's sick. Instead of screwing Maggie last night, he traded a bag of dope for some of Ambers chunaco.
by hawke4me March 26, 2015
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A Moose Knuckle can be defined as the big brother of the camel toe. It is a set of pussy lips that are extra long and meaty. Usually found on a skanky pussy that is blown out due to excessive use. Most likely to belong to the town whore. Moose Knuckles generally like to eat yoga pants.
Whoa ! To hell with a camel toe, that hoe is sporting a Moose Knuckle.
by hawke4me July 17, 2024
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Fruity butthole can be described as how fags that have on too much cologne smell.
Whoa! Did you get a whiff of that homo ? He smells like fruity butthole
by hawke4me July 20, 2024
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