14 definitions by havok

Simi Lan Sai - Literally translated from hokkien it means what penis shit? It's an expletive that means roughly the same as "WTF?!?"
A: Dude! The chick you banged last night was a guy!
B: SLS?!?
by havok March 21, 2005
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Comes from the two names "Sasuke" and "Naruto". Naruto is a Japanese anime. Two of the main characters (Sasuke and Naruto) is regarded by many fans to be a great couple. Seeing as they both have so much sexual tension between them.
Does anyone have any Sasunaru pictures?
by havok September 30, 2004
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a bad typo of "Sleep" by the village idiot John Chan
<_o_> wha, its late. me shag. time to xliip! bye slaats!
by havok March 27, 2005
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Really awesome band. Sounds sorta like a Canadian AFI.
by havok January 17, 2004
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1. finger

First occurrence:

>be in pre-school
>have a girl who I sort of have a crush on
>have nap time every day
>one day during nap time I lay next to her
>neither of us sleep and I fenter her mouth the whole time
>after nap time go to play in a tent at the pre-school
>finger he mouth some more in there.
>do this many times
"I fentered her so hard!"
by havok December 13, 2012
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Bad typo of the word "slut" by the village idiot John Chan
<_o_> Yo slaaaaats!!!!
by havok March 27, 2005
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the nasty stinky hole in which shit flops out of also see RECTUM
holy shit i thought that terd would never make it out of my cornhole
by havok August 1, 2004
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