30 definitions by fubsish

A chick who manipulates men for free stuff.

She will often go out on dates with guys she doesn't like just because she is hungry. She will also sleep with guys for a fur coat, or will try and get loads of cash off of men she dates.

Basically, a hooker with all the pretext and none of the fun.
Ryan: Man, Kinsey's such a MAN-ipulator.
Ben: How much did you blow on her last night?
Ryan: Including that fur coat? Three hundred dollars!
Ben: *shits himself*
by fubsish September 24, 2009
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Text symbol for one hundred dollars. Used by those who think they're bangin'.

Quincy: Yo, homie! I got me a ̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιοο̲̅)̲̅$̲̅!
Jack: Fuck shit yes, what you gonna do wit it?
Quincy: Shit, boy, I think I'ma go get some chron! You wanna go hit that shit up?
Jack: Hells yeah, I be over in five.
by fubsish October 16, 2009
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When you eat a handful of laxitives, jack off, then run into the bathroom and shit your guts out, leaving you with this calming feeling of being totally emptied.
Jack: Hey, Jordan, guess what I did last night?
Jordan: What, Jack?
Jack: I pulled a Viceroy!!
Jordan: No! How was it?
Jack: Let's just say I was to lazy to get off the toilet!!
by fubsish August 3, 2009
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A Rock Star Penguin Teste-Blitz is kinda' like Two Girls, One Cup, but instead with Mic Jagger, a dead penguin, Oscar Wilde, and The Elephant Man's skeleton.

Performing this depraved act will only lead to imminent satisfaction. Which is why Mic Jagger's there. To sing "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction".

Usually, clean up requires a few hours of hot water and scrubbing.
Jack: I just pulled a Rock Star Penguin Teste-Blitz!
Ryan: No way! Why wasn't I invited?
Jack: Oscar didn't think you'd appreciate the flavorful range of tastes and colors.
Ryan: Oh...*cry*
by fubsish August 10, 2009
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To get things straight in one's life; to face the truth. To be blunt, frank, and outspoken. ie to yell at somebody and tell them to clean up their fucking act!
Becky had to call up Rita and have a little Talk with Jesus because she called his husband and screamed at him for two hours in Russian.
by fubsish January 28, 2010
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A handkerchief, bandana, or similiair item used to wipe up or catch cum after/during jerking off. So called a "wankerchief" because it's used for wanking.
Paul's wankerchief was crusty and knotted from his pixie-sticks and porno adventure last Friday night.
by fubsish September 13, 2009
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A stoner who isn't that tight with all the other stoners, or the new guy in the click. He is sent to buy the papers, get the food, bring the entertainment, grab the pipes, etc.

He is called a "bamboo bitch" because the new stoner is calm and rather indifferent, as he knows he cannot upset his only source (for the time being) of drugs, and because pandas have these same qualities (bamboo being a panda's primary source of food). He is a bitch because he does everything for everybody else.
Kyle is such a bamboo bitch.

Get that bamboo bitch over here! I have the munchies!
by fubsish October 6, 2009
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