36 definitions by fred ressler

The sound of one hand clapping is the sound of one hand closing quickly.
The sound of one hand clapping is supposed to be a question with no answer. It is a clasic Zen koan given to students to aid in enlightenment by leading the mind into a cul-de-sac with no way out but enlightenment. How enlightened could the person who came up with this koan be, considering it has such an obvious and simple answer?
by fred ressler August 16, 2007
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Pareidolia is the phenomena of seeing faces/figures/forms in patterns; as opposed to where one normally sees faces/figures/forms (on animals including people/landscapes etc.)
Pareidolia is seeing what appears to the individual to be a representation of a face, figure, or form in the clouds, wood grain, marble, smoke, shadows, or any non-homogeneous area. It can also be an auditory phenomenon as in hearing white noise or a record played backward that sounds to the individual like words or a melody that isn't actually there.
by fred ressler September 15, 2006
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Hippy Bird Day is an unusual way to wish an unusual person a happy birthday.
I wished Rainbow a Hippie Bird Day to help her celebrate her birthday.
by fred ressler April 9, 2017
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To communicate is to express oneself to another, so that the recipient agrees, ACTS on the agreement and improves the universe. It doesn't mean to talk, or to say something and the hearer says yes or no. She/He/It must respond positively and do something to get us out of the cancerous cycle we are in. It is interesting to note that this is the first entry in the Urban Dictionary for this word. If there were any communication, the world would not be as it is. Anyone who has anything to communicate is executed, imprisoned, institutionalized, or marginalized. This is the system that keeps those in power to stay in power.
If you feel you have something to communicate please add to the definition; maybe we can escape the cave of plato, and the world can change.
Eddy said "lets organize a people's union to change the world." He was heard, three billion people joined and ended up working for six hours a year for a middle class existence.
Eddy said "lets organize a people's union to change the world." He was heard, three billion people joined and ended up working for six hours a year for a middle class existence. Eddy was the first person in twenty-four hundred years to communicate.
by fred ressler October 10, 2006
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Solipsism is the fact (as much as any other so called fact), that we create our dreams not only at night when we sleep, but also in the day. As well as before we are "born," and after we so call "die." The dreams in the day only appear more "rational." It is not that "we are the only thing that exists," but that our consciousness is all that exists. Our consciousness is just our individual reflection of the consciousness of the entire universe, (what is commonly called "God." ) It takes time to perceive everything (time being an illusion), except for our consciousness which is instantaneous. This means that what we perceive is also us. Governments, as well as organized religions, military, industrial, and educational systems conspire, and know this fact, but put out the Descartian, dualistic view that there is an external foreign "enemy". The latter view is put out for their advantage which everyone must follow or be marginalized, imprisoned, or eliminated. This view works to the disadvantage of everyone not following the Church, State, Military, Industrial, Educational Crime-Pseudo crime fighting system.
If this view of solipsism were accepted by the masses, as opposed to the "current commonly accepted dualistic view," we would work together for all of US. instead of being divided and conquered as we are now, by the age old classical military technique. We would work 6 hours per year for a middle- class existence as described by Buckminster Fuller, inventer of the geodesic dome.
by fred ressler September 18, 2006
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Solipsis: A new word coined here and now. The third major paradigm after the first=Religion, the second=Science. Solipsis states that there is only the binary consciousness of the entire "universe" consisting of each individual's consciousness and the consciousness of the entire universe, which operate in a Yin/Yang fashion, co-creating each other. Each of our own consciousness' is Yang, being "smaller" and denser. The universal consciousness is Yin, being "larger" and more expanded. Ones consciousness is the only thing which exists instantaneously in the here and now and is a sympathetic hologramatic reflection of the entire universe seen through each of our own unique hologramatic lenses. The universe is embedded in our consciousness, as our consciousness is embedded in the universe. Everything else takes "time" to perceive and therefore doesn't exist in the here and now, the " past "and "future" are illusions embedded in the present. Neither science nor religion can find the seat of human consciousness. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) located the seat of consciousness in the pineal body, but modern science does not agree. Everything is an electro-magnetic being, not a "physical-material being". Human consciousness is not a physical place located in the brain or body, but is an electro-magnetic field outside of our body, it is the consciousness of the entire universe itself with "our own" interpretation, as seen thru each of our own individual lenses. This twin consciousness is the only consciousness that exists. All other people, places, things, and concepts, including our own "physical body," are extensions and part of this consciousness and are illusionary projections from our part of this binary consciousness. This binary field is all that exists. Our consciousness projects the universe at the same time it is projected to itself by the universe. This is what eastern philosophy referrs to as Yin/Yang, western philosophy referrs to subjective/objective. We have previously tended to see ourselves as separate individuals and not part of the whole, in large part due to the dualistic scientific concept of Rene Descartes. His concept is equivilent to seeing a whilpool as separate from the river it is in. According to solipsis we are whirling pools embedded in the "universe" in a very similar manner. We are not born into the universe as Descartes suggests, as there is no "outside the universe." When any thing can no longer maintain it's integrity it doesn't "die" as suggested by the current Descartian scientific dualistic philosophy, it merely returns to the flow from which it came. Things don't leave the universe any more than they are born into it.
The concept of solipsis is beyond all other concepts and shows the limitation of all other words and transcends the more mundane and exoteric concepts of life, death, time, space, energy and matter which are just the "scientific" way of looking at what are the illusions of the solipsistic view. This is not solipsism as is commonly defined by the dictionary, but solipsis as defined here. According to the dictionary definition of solipsism, "only the individual exits". Solipsis states that only the binary consciousness of the indivdual and the consciousness of the "entire universe as a whole" exists
by fred ressler November 27, 2006
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A Singulair is a person in his own world. This person can never be part of a group because she / he sees things so differently that there is no real communication. We may all be singulairs and not realize it. We may think we are in the same world as others but under a spell or illusion.
Edwina was so different she could never find a mate because she was a singulair and lived in her own virtual universe.
by fred ressler August 16, 2016
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