330 definitions by fearman

1. 22nd letter of the alphabet.
2. Biochemical symbol for valine.
3. Chemical symbol for vanadium.
4. Roman numeral rendered in Arabic numerals as 5.
5. Cool 1983 TV miniseries about an invasion of the Earth by aliens who are not as friendly as they at first appear.
6. Symbol of victory, used by the French resistance in the Second World War.
7. Main character in V for Vendetta, a graphic novel by Alan Moore, who dresses in a stylised Guy Fawkes costume and sets about tearing down the totalitarian government of Britain.
8. The same character as played by Hugo Weaving in the movie based on Moore's graphic novel.
9. Thomas Pynchon's first novel.
10. As the V sign, a hand symbol indicating either "we've got this under control" or "up yours", depending on the direction the palm is facing.
11. Sexual symbol; first letter of vulva or vagina, and the shape of the figure echoes the folds at the split in the groin. As related in the pop mystical tale of The Da Vinci Code, the letter is a symbol of the female principle or the womb, with an inverted V as that of the phallus.
12. With a full stop, informal shorthand for the word very.
13. Short for versus.
14. I could go on ...,
V. A very versatile letter.
by fearman November 6, 2007
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Word used to mean whatever the speaker wants it to mean at the time, usually without further elucidation. From the character of Humpty Dumpty in Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson).

'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone,' it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.' ...
- Through the Looking Glass
Here come the right-wingers to this referendum. Expect to hear a lot about natural laws, family values and other Humpty Dumpty words.
by fearman November 21, 2007
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The act of fishing for information, either from a gullible paying customer or from an audience who have just been told to be "open-minded", in which any positive feedback is followed deftly as though coming in "on the astral".
Cold reading:

Hello, I'm getting something ... there is someone who has recently died ... yes, someone has, hasn't they? ... a man, no I didn't think so, either, a woman then, an old woman ... no, dreadful isn't it? ... I'm thinking cancer, no?... a car crash ... yes, and it was tragic, and she was before her time too, would I be correct in saying this? ...
by fearman March 11, 2008
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Genre of movies/TV series/books and so on in which witchcraft/mystical/occult-related stuff is served up in as twee and New Agey a manner as possible for the consumption of the trendy.
Harry Potter is NOT hexploitation. Anything with Fairuza Balk in it might be.
by fearman August 9, 2007
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An aficionado of the works of William Shakespeare of Stratford-on-Avon, England, 1564-1616. Self-explanatory, not meant to denigrate.
Bard brains everywhere will appreciate the local production of Hamlet, from December 16th at the Town Hall.
by fearman August 6, 2007
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Used to be
someone who
Wrote a lot of lines that rhymed & were otherwise
possessed of a musical quality that did not
necessarily require
strings or drums in the
& was altogether too smart for words

Now a poet is
someone who
fucks about with the length
so as to make
the utterly
appear to have unplumbed depths of meaning
which I suppose
is at least moderately
Everyone's a poet ... only they just don't know it.
by fearman November 17, 2007
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1. Dwarf planet orbiting the sun once ever 250 Earth years on an eccentric orbit taking it from about 2,757 to 4,583 million miles out, or from nearly thirty to almost fifty times Earth's distance. For twenty of those years it is closer to the sun than Neptune; it was last at the closest point in 1989. Diameter, 1485 miles. Surface temperature by recent measurement 230 degrees Centigrade below freezing. Maximum air pressure is 700,000 times less than Earth's. Composition largely rock and various ices. Closely orbited by its comparatively large moon Charon (diameter 753 miles); the centre of mass of the system, around which both bodies orbit, is above Pluto's surface and both bodies are tidally locked on one another, always keeping the same faces inwards; there are at least two other moons, Nix and Hydra, discovered in 2005. Pluto rotates on its axis, and is orbited by Charon, roughly every six Earth days and nine hours. Pluto is at least five hundred times less massive than Earth (a body that many times more massive than Earth would outweigh Jupiter) and smaller than seven moons in the system, including our own Moon. Officially the ninth planet from its discovery by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930, with the discovery of several similar-sized bodies in the outer system Pluto was demoted to the newly-created dwarf planet category in 2006. Gives its name to the highly toxic synthetic element plutonium, atomic number 94.

2. Roman god of the Underworld, connected by parallel with the Greek Hades. The Roman Pluto (or more accurately Plutus) was more a divinity of the riches found under the earth such as silver and gold and hence a god of wealth, as referenced in the latter-day term plutocracy (political rule by the wealthy). Because these substances were mined from a physical underworld, Pluto is often associated as well with a spiritual underworld, or the land of the dead, hence the latter-day link to Hades.

3. Also spelt Plouto, a nymph in Greek mythology, the mother of Tantalus by Zeus. The daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.

4. Mickey Mouse's pet dog. Introduced in Disney's cartoons in 1930, the year of the dwarf planet's discovery, hence the name. A relatively naturalistic character, as opposed to the anthropomorphic dog Goofy.

5. An inbred mutant from the film franchise The Hills Have Eyes.
Pluto's next aphelion passage, or furthest swing from the sun, is in 2113.

By Pluto's grace, may Cornelius Arvensis grow filthy rich.

Pluto was flaunting herself in the River Lethe again.

Mickey could no longer control Pluto, and when Pluto smelled something interesting Mickey was pulled right up the creek on the lead.

If Mickey's a mouse and Goofy's a dog, what's Pluto?

Pluto watched intently from behind the red rock as the station wagon negotiated the rutted road.
by fearman May 17, 2008
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