30 definitions by evil bella

Cheap instant noodles. Comes in a hard brick of noodles which you throw into a pot on the stove with water in it for 3 minutes. Once the noodles are done, you have lots of options. If you like ramen, try this: strain the noodles, put them in a bowl and add 3/4 of the seasoning packet. Whoo hoo! Also comes in cup o' soup which is for the microwave. Available in many flavors and brands but the best by far is Maruchan Shrimp. DONT EAT TOP RAMEN SHRIMP IT TASTES LIKE SALT WATER!!
Welcome to RAA, Ramen Addicts Anonymous.
by evil bella January 8, 2004
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A band you claim you hate but secretly listen to their songs in your basement. Really really creepy but that just makes them yummier. I hate em but I love them. They just broke in America with "I Believe in a Thing Called Love". The lead singer screechs like a bat and fights off giant crabs! How cool is that?!
The next Queen? No! There is no next Queen!
by evil bella January 8, 2004
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An action that is considered bad morally, unfair or dirty. Shows disapproval of the action by the speaker.
Dude you dumped Bob on his birthday for his best friend? That's pretty low...

You kicked him in his broken leg? That's low....
by evil bella October 18, 2004
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A Parker brothers game originating from talking boards which have been around for centuries. The board is similar to a game board, with yes, no, ouija, the full alphabet, the numbers 0-9 and goodbye printed on it. includes a planchette which is a heart shaped piece of plastic on three legs with a clear piece of plastic for viewing. You play by placing the planchette on the board and putting your fingers on the planchette, usually played in groups of two or more. The planchette moves by itself, according to people that believe that the ouija board communicates with spirits. Some people believe that the people playing are moving the planchette subconsiously. Supposed to fortell the future and know all by some. A staple of teenage sleepovers and horror movies starting teenagers.
The Ouija board said that I'm going to marry David.
by evil bella January 8, 2004
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The final proof that you don't have to have easy to understand lyrics to have great lyrics.
As if System of a Down wasn't enough proof...
by evil bella January 8, 2004
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