Short for Avenged Sevenfold.
a - avenged
7 - seven
x - fold (times)
A newer band that combines hardcore, punk and metal. One category they're often put into is "Melodic Hardcore". Two albums - Sounding the Seventh Trumpet and Waking the Fallen. Extremely poetic, deep, rich and beautiful lyrics. Sick, fast-paced drumming. Long, epic, well-planned out songs. An incredible band all-together.
a - avenged
7 - seven
x - fold (times)
A newer band that combines hardcore, punk and metal. One category they're often put into is "Melodic Hardcore". Two albums - Sounding the Seventh Trumpet and Waking the Fallen. Extremely poetic, deep, rich and beautiful lyrics. Sick, fast-paced drumming. Long, epic, well-planned out songs. An incredible band all-together.
Songs to check out: Unholy Confessions, Chapter Four, I Won't See You Tonight Pts 1 & 2. Those are all from Waking the Fallen, which I'd say is the better album.
by Evil Bella August 14, 2004
A7X is short for Avenged Sevenfold the band that clashes metal and punk into one awesome fucking sound. The cool thing about this band is they can play on ozzfest or the warped tour, either way they fit in. I would prefer them to be on ozzfest, but oh well. Their new cd, Waking The Fallen, sounds more nu metal than punk..I think anyways. People may not like them because of the fact that they are clashing two different types of music...if they don't like a7x then fuck them.
by Kristina June 28, 2004
Another term for the band Avenged Sevenfold, a unique mixture of hardcore and metal with musical talent beyond comparrison shown on songs such as "I wont see you tonite Part 1"
I saw a7x play the othernite and it was crazy. I had never seen a larger crowd nor heard better music.
by Ceebz March 15, 2004
avenged sevenfold are very original compared to some of the bands of today. they clash metal, hardcore, and punk all into one unique style. they have influences from Pantera to NoFX to Queen, and that is what makes them the kick ass band that they are.
the line up is M. Shadows- vocals, Synyster Gates-lead guitar, Zacky Vengeance- rhythm guitar, Johnny Christ-bass, The Reverend- drums.
This band can play both Ozzfest and Warped tour, they will fit in anywhere.
the line up is M. Shadows- vocals, Synyster Gates-lead guitar, Zacky Vengeance- rhythm guitar, Johnny Christ-bass, The Reverend- drums.
This band can play both Ozzfest and Warped tour, they will fit in anywhere.
The first A7X CD, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, is more punk/hardcore. The second CD, Waking the Fallen, is more on the metal side.
by panterarized February 25, 2005
A fairly decent mainstream "Metal" band. A good band for a person who has just started listening to Metal, also known as a "gateway metal band". When said individual eventually learns to appreciate Metal...a7x will become boring.
by Jynxicat May 19, 2011