10 definitions by em bee kay

the act of exploding oneself while preparing a bomb or explosive to commit an act of islamicide.
achmed, the hamas operative, was making an improvised explosive device which went off ending his career through suiciderbate.
by em bee kay May 12, 2008
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1. feigning ignorance at another's presence, deeds or comments.
2. to willfully avoid a meeting, confrontation or thought.
obama decided it best to place wis wife's comments in a state of ignoration.
by em bee kay June 18, 2008
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using email to back out or ditch on plans, dates and even relationships.
he didn't want a confrontation so he decided to email bail on the chick he promised to call last night.
by em bee kay June 19, 2008
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the state of confusion created to smoke-screen or cover-up when a candidate for the presidency screws the pooch.
as news of the purient, anti american, anti semitic, anti israel comments on the campaign website finally came to the main stream media's attention the senators team went into full obamafuscation mode.
by em bee kay June 19, 2008
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to eliminate, cut out, as if to surgically remove a person, friend, associate or crony from one's life.
barack had no choice but to obaminate the insane cleric from his life.
by em bee kay June 19, 2008
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busting your butt, going above and beyond the call of duty working on the computer over internet due to a screw up usually by some other party.
sorry honey i won't be home for supper because ebay loused up all 4000 of the listings in my store and now i have to work a few extra e-miles to get on track.
by em bee kay August 31, 2008
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to engage a smoke screen of nonsensical political type weasal words in the guise of openess to blur and cover one's negative actions, deeds or relationships.
the candidate completely obamafuscated his relationship to the pastor of his church.
by em bee kay April 29, 2008
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