202 definitions by dude

A Bodie Boy, "Yo da mann!"
The Bodie's a shizznit
by dude June 24, 2003
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A device used to see how YOUR tax dollars are being spent.
I like to listen to my Radio Scanner, so I know what is going on.
by dude May 8, 2003
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The withdrawl method of birth control

(removeing ones penis before reaching orgasm)

-not an effective method of birth control
Lets do onanism tonight hunny
by dude August 25, 2003
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it means diddly squat. a word added into a sentence to make it sound better.
what the pheazy?!
by dude April 5, 2003
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the coolest, hippest, wannabewith person
Shannon blew him away. He thought she was the bomb diggity.
by dude August 20, 2004
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a girl that jumps around between guys
That girl is a jumper because she tried to get with me and all my friends.
by dude August 17, 2003
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A big fat bear, formerly found in the UK but now in the rainforests of australia. is known to have its first sexual experience at the age of 19 and tell all the bears back in england about it. the female bear was very smelly. also known as a Chris Grist
by dude January 7, 2004
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