246 definitions by dj gs68

The best DDR player ever. He can pass one of the hardest DDR songs, MAX 300, with a perfect score.
Isn't Yasu the dude who flipped me off when he got 1 Great?
by dj gs68 May 14, 2003
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A game that dj gs68 needs to stop playing before his obsession with it turns into a capital crime.
People on GameFAQs's BEMANI and Rhythm Action board want me banned for whoring about 2DX in every topic.
by dj gs68 October 24, 2003
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As PACHUKA of Sonic CulT stated, the soda that will make you shit more than any human on earth.
gs68 Dr. Pepper and as a result, had so much diarrhea he shat until he imploded.
by dj gs68 October 14, 2003
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What people are incapable of doing on the Internet.
It's "you," not "u." IT'S ONLY 2 MORE CHARACTERS.
by dj gs68 November 2, 2003
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A song considered fucking horrible by many DDR players.
Sing Let Them Move and I will kill you.
by dj gs68 April 25, 2003
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What people wear and therefore think they're the shit, but will only lead to badly bruised balls.
During cross-country practice, gs68 nearly destroyed his balls because he was wearing boxers.
by dj gs68 August 5, 2003
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Lupin's big-breasted ally/rival. The only character who changes outfits from episode to episode.
by dj gs68 October 28, 2003
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