863 definitions by diego

To participate in a game of Rock, Paper, Scissor's to determine who get's something or wins in any situation where a winner must be selected.
ie. Decide who break's in a pool match.
Decide who will call up to order pizza.
Decide who rides shotgun in a car when other normal avenue's are exhausted.
"Let's chonk for it."
by diego July 28, 2003
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Can be spelt 'Sac'.
'Sack Wine' is any wine bought in a large cardboard cask. The word 'sack' is derived from the silver bag that contains the wine inside the box. It is also an anagram of 'cask'.
'Sack Wine' is also referred to as goon and is notoriously cheap and nasty tasting. Despite the taste, it is by far the most economical and hysterical way to get fucked up. It is extremely useful in getting girls drunk, but watch out for them vomiting on you.
"Do you want to go half's in a sack tonight?"
by diego July 30, 2003
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A period of time when you haven't thought of a good definition to add to urbandictionary.com
Usually involves the posting of phrases, insults and other bullshit.
I was in an Urban Slump, so I posted this definition.
by diego November 21, 2003
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1. A word for a prostitute.
2. Short for a profesional. To mean someone who is excellent at something or something that is really awesome."
1. "We went and threw egg's at the pro's on the corner of 8th and Madisson. We almost got shot by this purple fur coat wearing pimp daddy."
2. "He smokes weed like a pro."
"That song you wrote is pro."
by diego June 30, 2003
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1. To ask someone somehting.
2. To call someone, contact them.
3. To go somewhere or do something.
1. "You should 'Hit Up' Tommy to see if he stole your buddha."
2. "Yo, 'hit me up' later bruvva."
3. "Let's 'hit up' this Drum and Bass Party tonight."
by diego September 4, 2003
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Phrase that is exclaimed several times in the German movie "Run Lola Run" when Manni leaves a bag containing 100 000 Marks on the Subway train. It is stolen by a homeless man and Manni is fucked!
Sick movie.
by diego July 29, 2003
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An Ounce of marijuana is 28 grams.
Down Here (Australia) that costs $250-$290AUD. A while ago that would have been $150US, but now our dollar has appreciated against the struggling greenback.
by diego December 1, 2003
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