13 definitions by dexi

To act as a neutral party during an event or argument.
Guy 1: Hey has Jane picked her Super Bowl team yet?
Guy 2: Nope, she's playing Sweden this year.

Guy 1: So what did Joe think about the divorce?
Guy 2: He's friends with both of them, so He's gonna play Sweden.
by dexi October 10, 2009
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An imaginary dictionary that contains all the made-up words spoken by George W. "Dubya" Bush.
Dexi: Hey you guys know that drug Abilify?
Grim: yeah?
Dexi: Doesn't that sound like a word from the Dubya Dictionary?
by dexi December 23, 2008
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Similar to Hold That Thought, when a conversation is taking place in person and one conversant must separate from the other, however, instead of a conversation being postponed until a later time, the conversation is continued via SMS.
Conversant A: "So Joey turned to Mary and said..."
Conversant B: "Yeah yeah, text that thought, time for work!"
by dexi April 22, 2010
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The medical condition wherein the United States dollar sign is visible in the human eye.

Credit: J. Jacques
Faye: "I only have to pay a third of the rent instead of half! There are dollar signs dancin' in my eyes!"

Dora: "Careful, Faye. Our eye-care plan doesn't cover cashtigmatism."
by dexi January 19, 2010
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The irritation felt on your tongue after eating too much sugary/sour candy.
I just finished my third bag of Sour Patch Kids and I have a really bad case of sugartongue.
by dexi June 9, 2011
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A person subjected to execution by use of the electric chair.
The next guy in line on Death Row is soon to be Texas Toast.

Guy 1: "Did you hear about that murderer?"

Guy 2: "Yeah, convicted. He's Texas Toast now!"
by dexi March 1, 2010
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