14 definitions by daniel a.k.a benjamin

A very talented individual, one who can mold wax into various useful objects in the absence of a real one such as an ash tray.
Scenario: Friends in a pub
Tom: shit..dya have an ashtray?
Roise the Waxsmith: gimme 2mins a candle and some fire...'
by daniel a.k.a benjamin April 11, 2006
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Insult to describe a coward or fearful individual in french or just plain twat.
Dan (paranoid dude): 'methinks i need to run!'
Max (chilled dude): 'stop being paranoid you lash'
by daniel a.k.a benjamin January 10, 2006
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To be in the act of any form of sexual activity be it flirting or other such things foolish adolescents get up to. If someone were to express their willingness to be kanoodling with someone else they would usally be talking about the person in question CONSTANTLY. An example of this would be:
'OMG! TOMtomTOMtomTOMtomTOMtom'
'nye and izzy were kanoodling at charlottes'
'jade and tom are so gonna be kanoodling at chloes on saturday'
by daniel a.k.a benjamin October 30, 2005
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DEFINITION: A mixture of resin/hash in a yogurt good alternate from hash cakes.
WARNING: If the yogurt is made correctly it will paralyze you for at least two nights and one day, make sure you dont have to be anywhere for a minimum of 68hours.
RECIPE: Get a teaspoon of oil, heat it up until the oil bubbles then put in about 20th of an oz of resin (or hash if your a dirty chav). It should dissolve completely then mix it with the yogurt (has to be a fruity yogurt or vanilla if your into that kinda thing) then put it in the fridge for about ten minutes. Then munch. Be prepared, it creeps up on you.
dude: 'yogurt? what that?'
jess: 'yogurt?!?!? NOOOOO!! the yogurt destroyed me!!'
by daniel a.k.a benjamin January 17, 2006
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To be in a state of intoxication due from inhaling chemical substances such as marijuana and being completely obvious in public about what you have just done whilst still feeling the effects.
'fuck off we're wasted'
'i wanna go homebase man'
'SHIT! that was like the pinnacle of blatant!'
by daniel a.k.a benjamin November 2, 2005
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Also can be known as a 'jade' or other catlike creatures. People who have a catlike face and nature are often refered to as a 'Pretty Kitty'. Note: Being refered to as a 'Pretty Kitty' is usally a compliment not an insult.
by daniel a.k.a benjamin October 9, 2005
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To take a very long 'pull' usally from a 'joint' or other smoking materials used by very nice people. When exhaled the copious amount of smoke should take on the form of that you may see rising from an industrial factory.
'dude! that pull was industrial'
'check out that industrial pull'
by daniel a.k.a benjamin October 9, 2005
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