10 definitions by dailybirdsandtrees

Jim: Dude stop croprastibating!
Billy: You mean procrastinating?
Jim" Yeah somthin like that.
by dailybirdsandtrees August 14, 2011
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Cancer that occurs anywhere on or in the neck. Most cases caused by smoking, excessive drinking, or excessive sun exposure(skin cancer).
Shit dude don't sit so close to your computer monitor, that shit'll give you neck cancer.
by dailybirdsandtrees April 28, 2018
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A cigar thats so fat and burnt down thats it wider than it is long.
Yesterday I burned my face on a good chode smoke.
by dailybirdsandtrees July 23, 2011
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When you are openly critical of someone's actions and are just being a dick.
James: Bob, you drive like a stoned flamingo.

Bob: at least you know if you can't say anything nice, say something shitty.
by dailybirdsandtrees August 4, 2011
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When a whole chicken is smashed flat and dried to make a coaster for drinks.
by dailybirdsandtrees July 23, 2011
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A retard that drinks way to much soda.
Why are there so much empty cans in your house? My brothers a sotard.
by dailybirdsandtrees July 23, 2011
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