10 definitions by cluin

A fairly specific word of limited application, it refers to the foreign matter (pine needles, leaf bits, bugs, poleen, etc.) that collects and floats in drinking water or soup or tea or coffee while you are camping. You strain or skim it off before you ingest the good stuff.
Tea's ready, hon! You'll have to skim the kife off yourself, but don't worry... it just adds extra vitamin K.
by cluin February 28, 2004
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The male version of the "camel toe", usually seen on tight-jeaned rock stars of 70s.
"Check out the snake `n' eggs on Daltrey in this shot. Think that's all him or is he packin' a gym sock?"
by cluin September 2, 2003
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A pointless manouvre performed by a drunken idiot in which he pulls his pants and shorts down to his knees, pushes his package down between his thighs which he clamps together to hold said parts firmly in place, then pulls his shirt bottom up over his face and head. Then, while holding everything in place, he scoots away, shrieking for attention at the top of his lungs. Nobody knows why.... but it IS funny to watch.
"On a bet, Larry tried to perform the difficult and legendary Screaming Nun as he left the bar, but unfortunately he ran into a telephone pole and knocked himself unconsious. So naturally his buddies rifled his wallet, took his money and left him lying on the sidewalk."
by cluin July 29, 2004
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Getting farted on during sex. (A sirocco is a hot wind from the desert)
Fuck, I got grossed out last night, dude! I was going the growl on my girl friend and she totally gave me a blue sirocco. She blamed it on the chili she had for lunch, but I think she did it on purpose.
by cluin September 3, 2003
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Also known as a wedgie, where the underpants are drawn/forced/pulled/slipped up into the butt crack.
That hungry bum they gave Clarence in gym class left a big skid mark on his gauchies.
by cluin September 4, 2003
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What they call cunnilingus in Glasgow, Scotland (source: Billy Connolly, the funniest man in the world)
Also known as "going the growl"
"Know what they call cunnilingus in Glasgow?.... Growling at the badger!"
by cluin September 3, 2003
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Technically, a small useless thing. But more usually a general insult/term for a hopeless twit.
What boardroom dinktwat came up with the idea that we stop using the term spyware and now call it "unwanted 3rd party software"?
by cluin May 11, 2006
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